Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Michael's Personal Space Project

I thought that Michael's video personal space project was a good idea. I liked how the fights between him and his girlfriend were escalated and how they seemed very real. The exchange back and forth was half playful and half serious with undertones of spite and that's what made them so successful in making the people that he was interviewing uncomfortable. It was a good experiment to see how people are responsive to others emotions around them. You could tell that the subjects became more and more uncomfortable as the scene progressed.
I think that it was an interesting experiment to do. It was thoroughly documented without cuts it seems making the experience all more miserable and hilarious at the same time because it is so strung out. All in all I think it was a good examination of human response.

Art Show Review: Dan Kwong Visit

Dan Kwong Is a very interesting live performance based artist that utilizes film, effects and other mechanisms to give an interesting performance while on stage. When I went to the meeting with him I got to hear a bit about his artistic philosophy. He said that he believes that there is a part of us that marvels at being the center of attention, that we believe that we have something to tell the world, and that's where performance comes from. He said that experiences where we are judged or shut down can hinder this ability. He also said that he believes that the "Mad Artist" stereotype is a misconception an that artists such as Van Gough created in spite of their mindsets not because of them. I thought he was very insightful. He then asked the spoken word artists to come up and share their pieces to receive professional critique. They had very good pieces and they all were quite entertaining to hear. I thought that Chanel Miller was a very good spoken word artist. Her pieces touched on insecurity and inability to fit in being of mixed asian american heritage. I thought that the analogies that she used were very relative and compelling. Dan kept trying to make me go up on stage, but I had no performance pieces to tell him about so I shared some of the projects that I had been working on in Art 7A and the others asked me questions about them. It was a great experience and I am very grateful to have gotten the opportunity.


Here Are All My Projects And All The Links :)

Personal Space:

Alternate Persona:

Sequence Project:

Confession Project:

Random Act of Kindness:

Nexus Article:

Altered Everyday Action:


Saturday, June 4, 2011

My biggest fears were the workload of this quarter, the critique and the creative expectations of the course.

I think it's safe to say that I overcame all these fears. My workload has been a lot stressful during finals and midterm time, but since this was the class that I liked the best, and I really didn't like my other ones, I gave my most to this class and I enjoyed doing so.

The critiques weren't that bad. I thought that people were going to be brutal but even when we were evaluating something that was obviously not done with much effort or time, the critique was gentle suggestions to develop ideas. I think that the ideas behind all the work were good and original and personal for the most part and that made it inappropriate to tear people apart, they definitely wouldn't deserve it.

I feel like the intimidation of the creative process of the project proposals was quickly one of my favorite challenges rather than a real struggle. I really like this sort of live art aspect of the class and I feel like I rose to meet the challenge and the out of my box thinking that the class required. I truly enjoyed, and learned from this class and feel like I want to further my work in this area.


I think that all of the classes that Desiree has dreamed up sound really interesting. I would be down to take all of them actually. They seem a lot better than some of the courses that are upper division right now. After this class, I have become much more interested in art as it relates and plays into life and I feel like that is a common theme in all the courses that were advertised. I really like the Spectacle Praxes idea and the Art as an Activist idea. These are classes that I feel I would enjoy most and have a great time in. They kind of focus on areas of Art and life that I enjoyed most in 7A and would love to have spent more time on. I want these classes to be real!! They seem so much better than the classes that I'm looking at taking such as digital media and stuff like that. I don't love building websites or programming but it seems like that's one of the only ways to go for upper division art credits. I like art that was featured in art 7a so much better, it seems so pertinent to life and culminates in a beautiful array of ways, that's why I like these class ideas a lot.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

My Personal Space Project

For my personal space project, I decided to have a table where people could relive their childhood for a few moments via toys and play objects that would possibly conjure up nostalgia. I covered the table with paper and had crayons, paints, markers, a few balls, play doh, and bubbles. I invited people to come play and dressed up in a tutu with pigtails and an oversized shirt. I wanted to convey the image of a little girl just playing who wore whatever she wanted for the day. I stood outside the Ucen. I had not a lot of people come to my table. I think because it was so early and they were going out to classes, all busy. The people that did come however were really enjoying themselves. I think that Play doh was the most popular object. I also had a question written down for people to write their answer on the paper. I asked "what do you miss most about being a child?" Some people wrote answers, but since I didn't get much traffic anyway I didn't get many answers. I got a few funny responses such as "pokemon" and "light up shoes" "everything" "just miss having fun" I talked to people and I think that the most common thing that people miss are a sense of carefree and no worries as well as not having to provide for oneself. I had a great time interacting with people and it was a very successful experience.I just wanted to give people an escape and touch on a few happy memories from their past playtimes.


I would like to use this time to rant about how much I am hating this past couple of weeks.
I have so many projects, papers and studying to do! I can't believe it.
Then on top of that my friend quit my work where I got her a job and so now
I am having to pick up hours for her.
The next day that I have to relax is after finals, for half a day and then I have to go to work again.
Basically I have no time for breathing and relaxing and it stresses me out!
I cried yesterday after writing a 5 page paper
because I feel like I have way too much stuff to do in too little time.

I have learned a little bit from this experience though
I have learned the value of me time
Like I always took it for granted and just messed around or napped with my free time.
Since I am so busy with everything
I would literally give money to get time to just do anything that I would do in my freetime again.
I'm not trying to be super dramatic
But it is really therapeutic and essential to have time to relax, clear your mind and do something for yourself.
I can't wait to do that.