Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Embarrassing Moment

There are so many things to be seen and heard in a frat house.
Some better than others.

I was in a room hanging out with my boyfriend Ian when a few other guys came in and chatted for a bit. At the end of the small talk they asked Ian  if he had seen the video of the midget jumping on a trampoline. My interest was peaked. I knew that frat houses were the ultimate source for hilarious viral videos and I was going to be the first of my girl friends to see this one and introduce them to it. Ideas began swirling in my mind about what the funny point of this video could be, "Does the midget fall and eat shit?, Does the midget jump and magically get propelled into Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory? Does the midget do amazing gymnastic tricks on the trampoline?" It seemed a bit politically incorrect that the defining point of this obviously hilarious video was a midget, but whatever, the bros thought it was funny, and they had seen a lot of funny stuff, both fucked up and not. I asked about if it was on You Tube and what to search for. They just laughed and left the room. UGH! I knew what this was about...they wanted to keep me out of the loop because I was a girl. This was typical elementary school shit, the boys had found something awesome that they would let no girl in on. UNFAIR!

"HEY IAN COME SEE THIS!" Ian left the room and started making his way down the hall. I sat there for a second and then it hit me...This was the midget on the trampoline video! I sprinted down the hall to catch up and see too. They were not about to keep the funny from me! I had outsmarted these guys this time! I could feel elementary school revenge run through my veins. I beat the boys! I beat the boys! I was gonna see it!

Unfortunately when I got to the room there was no laptop out, no TV playing, there was just one thing.

That thing was Hunter, who had just shaved...everything. He had stretched his scrotum skin tight and created a platform for his penis to bounce on as he shook it up and down.

Get it; a midget on a trampoline?

He quickly noticed that I had trailed Ian into the room. His eyes got huge and his mouth opened wide, he grabbed a near by towel and held it where the midget had just been bouncing."Sorry."

I turned around and walked back to Ian's room embarrassed and ashamed that I had just been so dying to see what these young men had found so funny. You think he would be the one embarrassed, but I think I was. I had been just way too eager to be in on this inside joke, possibly left out of too many as a kid. Hunter didn't care. He was in the other room in a matter of 5 minutes to laugh at me. I can't look at Hunter the same way and when my girl friends say how hot they think he is I secretly laugh inside. There are just some things you don't need to know,some inside jokes should be left on the inside, especially in a frat.