I thought that today had a lot of very thoughtful confessions pieces. I'm sure the extra time that they had put more pressure of the individuals. I really thought that they all were good today. I don't think there was a weak one actually. So I'm going to talk about my 3 favorites.
I thought Jenny's piece was very symbolic and well put together. I liked the performance aspect of it when she unraveled the tennis racket from the basket. Every piece of the whole had so much symbolism and deep meaning. I could definitely relate to how she feels. It is such a big deal to have a father be your father and have a personal relationship with them. I could tell that this was hard for her to talk about. It was a very moving piece and full of elements that strengthened her story. I hope that her relationship heals in the future.
I thought that Ashley's piece was so heartfelt and unique. Everyone talked about themselves or people in their lives, She went ahead and talked about her spirituality. Her renewal of her faith was a beautiful thing to hear about. I saw how emotional she was about it. I knew that it would be very hard to come out to her family and friends after she had obviously expressed beliefs otherwise. I was moved by her letter and her performance. It was a very bold confession to do and I liked the ambiguity of it initially. It was so effective. I know she dug deep and took a chance and that is the most admirable thing that you can do in this kind of a project because bearing your soul makes the best art.
There was a lot of great craftsmanship to be seen today, The stained glass piece was very good. It was such an interesting confession to hear that he struggled with religion and didn't know what to say to his two kids. It was unique to hear a confession from a parent as we had been hearing them from people about their parents this whole time.
The confession projects today were very strong. It was definitely a good class.