I am really inspired by Maplethorpe's flower photos. I like the simplicity and the beauty of the way he photographs them. I would love to photograph flowers in this style but I'd like to tell a story of beauty fading. I want it to be more narrative than his photos. His photos are very sexualized and representational. I like the representational aspect of it, but I want my flowers to be telling something more than shoving sex in someone's face. I like this idea a lot. My only concerns with it are the execution and being to closely inspired by his work that my own voice doesn't come through enough. I really like this idea and I really want my work to represent me even if I am complimenting another artist by implementing their style.
For my alternate persona project, I honestly am not sure what I am going to do. I wanted to be a hippie because I love nature and care about the environment and I think it would be interesting to do only things that were good for the environment for one day from what I wear to what I eat. I think this could be super hard and expensive though, but maybe not. I also could do something like where I would be complacent towards everything that someone asks me to do or say for a day. That might be an interesting experience.