Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sequence/Narrative Proposals

1. I would love to do something with black and white film photography. I love the style of the classic nature photographers like Ansel Adams, Robert Maplethorpe, and Carleton Watkins. I like that the process of black and white photography is a long involved one if you are developing by hand. I would love to do my work and go to a photo lab and process my work by hand. That process in itself is amazing and I love it, but of course you cannot document it. No light could be allowed to take photos in a dark room and it would be destructive.

2. I would like to illustrate a story, like a popular movie or something in my own way. Zombieland would be fun to do this with. I could change the graphics to fit my style more, Alice in wonderland would be cliche but as always, fun to put your own creative spin on a crazy landscape. I could also illustrate a story as dictated to me by one of my friends. I could have a lot of fun with that.

3. I could document a day in my own life or in the life of someone else. The idea of capturing someone's daily routine is fascinating to me. We all are curious about each other's experiences. That's why facebook is so popular, I think it would be interesting to document everything that someone does for one day in the most naturalistic way that I could because they already know they're on camera all the time. Often times all the things we want to show others are moments of fun, parties and when we're ready for it, but it'd be cool to document real life

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