I know this is cliche but I could not live life the same way that I do without my computer or my cell phone. My cell phone is a way that I keep in contact with my friends and let them know what is going on in my life and the little interesting bits of my day. I also use my computer to network and have a social life. learn about events that are going on in the community and in classes.
Funny story, I crashed my computer this week. I am writing this blog on my boyfriends computer. I got a horrible virus that won't even let it start up. My life has definitely changed because of that. I no longer have instant access to my Facebook or my email which is important because my emails are often important and about school and tracking info for books and things like that. I basically have had a life change because of it. I kind of forget how many times I'm on it for different reasons some of which are actually important and school related and when it's the first week of school and all my classes are posting things online this is really a problem for me. It is safe to say life is not the same without this technologic convenience. I take it for granted and the teachers at this school take it for granted that each student has a home with a laptop and home internet access. It shows what kind of a society that we are integrated in, its interesting to think about what this implicates about that UC system and the people in it. Not that there is a problem with that, its just interesting to think that no teachers even ask questions like "who has access to the internet and has a laptop?" This has become a new standard for upper middle class society, and we all assume that all our peers are in the same economic bracket. It's a given.
Life sucks without a computer!