Personal Narratives were the subject of today's lecture. They are basically the oldest form of art. people have been telling stories to each other forever.I was most impressed by the story of the tank man in Tienamen Square. I had heard of the event and seen the photo but it was not really clear to me what had happened there until today in class. It was so amazing to have the testimonies of the reporters and photographers covering the area. I think that historical personal narratives are so enlightening because they tell a story and give a perspective that is usually kept secret. I liked the fact that Kip mentioned Elie Wiesel. I have read two of his books:
Night and
Dawn. His book
Night was all about his experience in Auschwitz and Buchenwald. It is a very powerful memoir and is a best seller. I think that book has had a great impact on whoever has read it. It's short but it is very detailed and good.
Dawn dealt with the current crisis in the middle east and is the story of an assassin who has his prisoner hostage and gets to know him in the hours before he shoots him. It highlights the similarities of people instead of the differences. I wish Kip had talked a little more about him because he is a remarkable man.

The work of Sally Mann was so graphically charged. I thought that the way she documented her children was really beautiful. I could totally relate to what she said about wanting to hold on to that stage in their life as long as she could before it was gone. My mom says the same thing to me. She says she can't believe how fast 20 years went and that she misses me all the time. I am so close to my mom. I know that me being away is really hard for her and I know that when I do visit, she really treasures her time with me. I felt like Sally Mann's emotions were the same but for some reason she wasn't able to express her love in the same emotional way that my mom did so she made art out of it.
Kip Fulbeck Is Legendary
Lastly I thought that Kips narratives about his life were hilarious. The one about him having sex with that girl in college was so funny and uncomfortably graphic all at the same time. The one about his family was endearing and comic as well. I liked the blend of elements in the two pieces. The mix of emotions made them each very strong and insightful pieces.