Sunday, April 3, 2011

Documentation of Pun

For my pun I made a take on the phrase"Sexy time!" from Borat. I thought it was a very funny project and I enjoyed making it a lot. I thought that the phrase was a great thing to make ea pun out of because it is so relevant to our generation and has made virtually everyone who has seen that movie laugh. I made a whole ambiance of conventional sexiness. I scattered condoms around with flowers and candles. The clock wore a leopard print thong and red lipstick. The exercises in class were a great interactive experience that brought me  out of my comfort zone and made me meet new people. My group made an outside world survival kit for agoraphobics and a Michael Phelps Olympic training kit. They were both hilarious and fun to do, but unfortunately I have yet to receive the photo documentation from my other group mates. The other groups exercises were so funny too, it was interesting to see how pother people could take the exact same props and turn them into something completely different. My favorite was probably the hipster trap.

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