Saturday, June 4, 2011


I think that all of the classes that Desiree has dreamed up sound really interesting. I would be down to take all of them actually. They seem a lot better than some of the courses that are upper division right now. After this class, I have become much more interested in art as it relates and plays into life and I feel like that is a common theme in all the courses that were advertised. I really like the Spectacle Praxes idea and the Art as an Activist idea. These are classes that I feel I would enjoy most and have a great time in. They kind of focus on areas of Art and life that I enjoyed most in 7A and would love to have spent more time on. I want these classes to be real!! They seem so much better than the classes that I'm looking at taking such as digital media and stuff like that. I don't love building websites or programming but it seems like that's one of the only ways to go for upper division art credits. I like art that was featured in art 7a so much better, it seems so pertinent to life and culminates in a beautiful array of ways, that's why I like these class ideas a lot.

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