Thursday, June 2, 2011


I would like to use this time to rant about how much I am hating this past couple of weeks.
I have so many projects, papers and studying to do! I can't believe it.
Then on top of that my friend quit my work where I got her a job and so now
I am having to pick up hours for her.
The next day that I have to relax is after finals, for half a day and then I have to go to work again.
Basically I have no time for breathing and relaxing and it stresses me out!
I cried yesterday after writing a 5 page paper
because I feel like I have way too much stuff to do in too little time.

I have learned a little bit from this experience though
I have learned the value of me time
Like I always took it for granted and just messed around or napped with my free time.
Since I am so busy with everything
I would literally give money to get time to just do anything that I would do in my freetime again.
I'm not trying to be super dramatic
But it is really therapeutic and essential to have time to relax, clear your mind and do something for yourself.
I can't wait to do that.

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