Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ordinary Action, Unordinary Place

For my assignment I decided to do something a little crazy. I wanted to take something very personal, private, and feminine and juxtapose it with an are that is so opposite of all these things. At the end of Sabado Tarde road where I live there has been construction going on for a while. I decided that since it disturbs me in me personal time, I would bring a personal activity into the middle of it. I went outside in my towel robe armed with my razor and shaving cream and shaved my legs at the end of the construction site. I am actually not really sure if anyone saw me, I was really focused on not missing any spots. A few groups of students and cars drove by, but no one commented. I'm sure if the people around were too interested into what they were doing to notice or they just thought I was a weirdo. This project changed my ideas of space and how doing something in an unconventional space can make it all the more powerful. When you do something that is out of place it draws more attention to that action and the oddity value of the action will attract people to examine it further. Something like shaving legs is an action that is very feminine and private and men don't really think about the work it takes to maintain smooth legs, they assume it just comes along with being a woman. Actions like these aren't often appreciated by the other sex. I took this action to a very masculine area where there would be people around and kind of brought this action to light. I felt a little uncomfortable at first but that sign was the perfect height to get a good shave on so I figured I might as well take advantage of it. This exercise showed me that I can be bold and fearless when I need to be and that the artistic value of an object or action can be enhanced or affected greatly by it's environment.

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