Monday, May 2, 2011

Progress on Assignment

I shot some film with my film camera with a black and white film roll, I took pictures that followed Maplethorpe's style and I also shot a series that is meant to juxtapose urban living with nature. I went and rented an hour in a darkroom and developed my own film and made prints by hand. I don't know which series to turn in so I might turn in both. I kinda feel like this assignment was not the most epic topic to work with and I wish I had had a stricter task to complete because I feel like then I would have been forced to go outside of my limits more. I am very happy with my work and I feel like I completed the task well. I guess it's just a little more boring for me because it is something that I am so familiar with. In this class I have been pushing my limits and learning something new from every assignment that I have done and they have usually had a performance or deeper aspect to them and that is why I feel like this assignment does not fit so well with the rest. I am happy with my work though and think that the class will like it.

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