Monday, May 2, 2011

Reaction to Lecture

Beau Sia responded to "Asians in the Library" with an interesting piece

Today's lecture was awesome to say the least. Beau Sia was so amazing. His work is so full of passion and angst. I can tell that it is sort of a therapeutic art form for him. I don't know if his usual work is more comical than this but I really liked that he shared his emotions with us so openly. I got lost a few times in the metaphors and decoding what exactly he was trying to say in certain lines of the poetry and since I didn't have a written page in front of me I couldn't stare at the words and contemplate them. It was very fast paced and that's what was difficult for me about it. I did thoroughly enjoy it though. The students were so amazing as well. I can't imagine memorizing something so long! I totally appreciate the skill it took them to write their pieces and then also the crazy amount of time it must have taken to memorize and practice it. I loved Chanel's piece. I liked how she started talking about living in the shadow of her sister, and how she feels taken advantage of because she is too nice. When she got firey and ripped her paper and started saying how she really felt and all the mean things she would say to people out of resentment for always being called nice and the lack of a relationship with her sister, it was evident that this was heartfelt and a deep issue for her. The way she executed the insults with seriousness and a sort of flat tone made it so matter of fact and hilarious. I liked all the student work and I liked Beau Sia, but I loved her piece the most. She did an amazing job with it.

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