Monday, May 2, 2011

Art Show Review

I did not really see any art shows that were going on or around UCSB this week. There are definitely a lot going on this upcoming week. I plan to go to the MFA Exhibition Yummier/Brainsickly, also the Achromatic Variations exhibit also looks interesting. Thank you Trela for flooding my inbox literally everyday with announcements of this stuff. A lot of the artists have been my TA's so it is always interesting to see what they're working on and how that relates to what they show in section. I would however like to share an experience that I thought was beautiful and that I thoroughly enjoyed anyways. It may not have been art made by man but it was art in nature and it was beautiful.

My family came to visit and I went with my mom, dad, brother and sister to the Ellwood and Coronado butterfly reserves and hiking trails. I walked with my family and we saw butterflies, enjoyed the nature hike and headed to the beach. I explored tide pools with my brother and sister and interacted with the wildlife like we did when we would go to the beach when we were all much younger. We saw whales migrating.up the coast. It was so beautiful and peaceful being out in nature. It was weird not always hearing techno blasting from somewhere or being in a rush to do homework. I just had a great time and bonded with my family and explored the landscape that has inspired many artists. How could one not classify that as art in itself?

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