Thursday, May 26, 2011

Critique of Persona Projects 2

Today I really liked Mary Beth's project. I felt like her persona and the way she presented it as an audition tape for the Real World was so smart. I appreciated how she went all the way as to get fake nails, bleach her hair and get a spray tan to get more into character...and that stuff isn't cheap! Her video was well made and she stayed in character the whole time, I felt like this was a very opposite role for her because she seems so laid back and quiet. She really went the extra mile with her persona. I also thought that the ninja persona was good. The video was also very well made. I liked how he was always creepily hiding, but yet always getting discovered by people. it made for a funny video.

I don't want to say that there was any project in particular that was weakest today. But, as a closing statement to this project I would like to say that it really showed when people really got into their work and diligently documented and acted out their persona effectively. Projects that came out of this kind of an experiences were 100 percent better than those who didn't get into their persona or didn't change much about themselves. It often reflected in the documentation as well. Overall there were a lot of great projects and a few ones that could have used some work.

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