Thursday, May 26, 2011

Alternate Identity Reflection

I had a great time doing the alternate identity project. It made me think of how we conform to our own social niches quite often. I feel like based on what category people fall into, they dress a certain way say certain things and adopt a certain persona. It is not always the other way around. I thought that it was interesting how it was so easy for me to think of how to dress and how to talk because such a stereotype follows the term of frat guy. I feel like even if I had not said what I was that people would have still been able to tell by those markers and I think that that says something about how our social system works. In an age of online social media I feel like there are a lot more people trying to give off a persona. as opposed to a more accurate representation of their personality. I think that they think that this may be easier than actually letting people see who they are, because after all this is such a public space, but also maybe people try to attract certain types of people to them by the way that they represent themselves online. I think that there is much to be analyzed in the range of reality vs projection and the projected persona and stereotyping. I would love to learn more about the social experiments or research in this area because it is so pertinent and intriguing.

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