Monday, May 30, 2011

My Least Favorite Place

My least favorite place...
The doctor's office.
In addition to being a slow and inefficient trip with a lot of waiting, going to the doctor's office usually means that I'm hurt or I will be hurt by needles, or some other piece of doctors office equipment. It all looks like torture devices. None of that shit is natural. Then someone invades your personal space completely, and you're supposed to be okay with it because society tells us we need to do this yearly to make sure we are healthy. What's really sad is that it's come to the point in society where we are all feeding ourselves such bad food and not exercising or anything to keep ourselves healthy that we probably do need someone to assess us each year to help us with medicine which allows us to keep treating ourselves badly but get away with the consequences and still live a little longer.  Nexium for a clogged arteries and acid reflux, prozac for people who can't deal with their lives, and face their problems to be happy by themselves, you can get lipo if you just can't bear to work out or eat healthy, theres a fix for literally everything without actually having to put energy or consciousness for your own health. I am not saying that hospitals or doctors offices are all bad, some are really miracle workers for people and fix things that people didn't do to themselves, like leukemia and cancer in children, congenital diseases and deformities. An overarching theme for the doctors offices that I have been in though is a fast cure for people who won't take care of themselves. Upper middle class. Standard. I hate being around it and I hate people telling me I need a shot to ward off disease because we live in a place so infested with crap that my body will probably be too weak to ward off the crazy evolved viruses that people in essence have helped evolve through things like antibiotics and vaccines. Vicious Circle. 
Fuck Doctor's Offices.

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