Friday, May 13, 2011


More and more artists are getting their favorite works tattooed on their bodies. It is amazing that the artists are able to replicate the works so well. It is amazing. The tattoos are as beautiful and the well done ones look like the art almost perfectly. I think that this is an amazing form of admiration of art for a very hardcore fan and tattoo lover. This website:
More and more artists are getting their favorite works tattooed on their bodies. It is amazing that the artists are able to replicate the works so well. It is amazing. The tattoos are as beautiful and the well done ones look like the art almost perfectly. I think that this is an amazing form of admiration of art for a very hardcore fan and tattoo lover. This website:
has many examples of this new trend and they are so well done they are definitely worth seeing. I would be interested to see actually how widespread this trend is. I would love to photograph a database of people who love a piece of art enough to put it on their body and what the work means to them. I personally couldn't see putting any tattoo on myself but I think it is a really awesome art form. I would be down to become a tattoo artist, it seems like a really interesting profession where you get to learn a lot about peoples experiences and you are working with a one of a kind media every time. I think the magic of that is really interesting.

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