Friday, May 13, 2011


I liked the flash mob experience very much. I think it is powerful to share art in a way that brightens peoples day in an unexpected way. I could tell that all the people that experienced our flash mobs enjoyed the experience and  had a story to tell someone that day. I thought that our gun fight one was the most successful. I could tell a lot of people liked the playful spontaneity of it. It was so fun! I talked to my room mate in gauchocafe afterwards and she said that she was stoked to have seen a flash mob, she had always wanted to see one. I didn't know that so many people knew what flash mobs are. A few of my friends actually asked me if they could join in on our flash mobs. I liked playing duck-duck goose and I could tell that we were getting a lot of attention from bikers for that. it was really fun and I think activities like that could bring our section closer together, It was really cool. I thought our other flash mobs could have been more successful maybe next time now that we have a feel for the dynamics of how each scene works. I would love to do another flash mob. I love performing. I thought it was really fun.
Even Tyra Banks has done a flash mob to encourage natural beauty....even though she insists on having a different weave every week?? Oh well This flash mob is still kinda cool.

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