Monday, May 23, 2011

Response to Final

I had a bit of a hard time with the final exam,
I recognized all the work and remembered what they were about but I only remembered the artists that I had just reread about in my notes minutes before the final. I hope I get most of the points. The girl next to me took the whole time writing about the work so that kinda made me feel like an underachiever.

I liked the TA presentations alot. I would have liked to have more background info on the first guy's class projects. It looked like they made a lot of dioramas or something. Then I didn't understand what the portraits of the students had to do with anything or if that was a project too, I also didn't get why some portraits were all tribal and some were all black and white and clean. I have no idea what went on in that section but it still looked like a good time. The other 2 sections were good as well. I would have liked to see more confession pieces. I know Kiki Neibhur is in one of the sections and got a lot of attention for hers because she made herself look like a date rape victim and had video of that. I would have liked to see it. Our section's random performance was great! Alex is hilarious! It was easily the best show of alternate persona in the lecture. So Funny!

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