Monday, May 9, 2011

Reaction to Lecture

The lecture about sequence narratives today was a intriguing lecture. I enjoyed the Duane Michals pieces that I hadn't seen before. He is a great sequential photographer. I liked the one that was called "Alice's Mirror" I had already seen the "Things are Queer" piece. I thought that the work of Jim Goldberg was so interesting. I love to hear what people have to say regarding themselves so it was so revealing. I wish I could do a project and make things interesting enough to be original because I think interactive intimate personal pieces are so cool. I love his "Rich and Poor" and "Nursing Home" work. They are both so socially relevant and telling of the individuals whom they describe. The film by Chris Marker, "La Jette" was so good. It was a strange narrative that came full circle. I liked it alot. I could tell it has been the inspiration for many Hollywood movies like Inception, The Time Traveler's Wife, and more loosely, The Matrix. It was a very interesting piece. I liked the narrative. It was political and scifi and I have never seen anything done like a movie done with stills. Lecture today taught me a lot.

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