Friday, April 1, 2011

Response to Reader Intro

To be honest,
I haven't gotten a chance to get my reader. I just got my paycheck today which I need in order to get my reader and was waiting for this weekend to buy my reader because this week has been crazy for me since I'm taking 18 units. I can't wait to crack open the reader since lecture is so interesting.

Follow up to come very soon....

1 comment:

  1. I have now gotten the reader. YAY!

    The introduction primes the reader for the artists that will be discussed in further chapters. Marcel Duchamp, John Cage, Jean Tingueley, Robert Rauschenberg and Merce Cunningham are all artists who have pushed the boundaries of art and redefined it in certain ways. Art has been progressively been encompassing more and more subjects and projects as well as ideas. The definition of art is completely obscure due to the people who have pushed their ideas in and labelled them as art. These artists are all such people. I am very excited to learn about what they have done in the aspect of changing the face of the definition of art. It is a very debated topic to discuss "what is art" and I personally have talked and discussed this topic so many times without becoming more clear on the idea. Maybe the following content of the reader will clarify that.
