Sunday, April 24, 2011

Comics Reading Response Chapters 7 and 8

Chapter 7 deals with the questions that arise while creating and defining art. Does art have to have a form, a function? It dealt with the choices and the different ways that artists create art. Art is made in some way by everyone at some point in their life because it is a human expression that we cannot get away from. So in this way, art makes someone human. They must do something with themselves when they aren't performing necessary survival functions. These actions are done for one's pleasure and thus are considered art.

In chapter 8 I liked the author's use on color and description of how it is used in art in different ways. It was nice to finally see some color on the pages of this book. Color is something that I tend to incorporate in my work a lot. I love different color palettes and mine tend to always be vibrant. Colors can convey very different things to different people and can be used to give work a mood or a feeling. I love color. as weird as that sounds. I will buy an art piece that is nothing but an arrangement of color. I think that colors are very powerful visually and sometimes can be experienced best in their pure form. Color and the color scheme combinations highly dictate my work. I liked this chapter the best so far. It's use of examples was very effective.

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