Sunday, April 24, 2011

Art Show Review

I went to Desiree's art exhibition this week. It was a very unique and awesome show. I liked the portraits of the boxers and noted how they weren't set in a ring or necessarily an athletic setting. This made me feel like the message of the portraits went deeper than showing the form and beauty of the sport. They made me feel like the boxers were fighting in their personal lives and familiar settings as well as in the ring. Their strength was being carried over into other aspects of their life. The decision to hang the portraits with over sized clamps was very interesting. I could tell it was a very conscious decision. They were photos that were kept open by only those clamps, otherwise they would roll up. I know that this was an important element to the images. Maybe it meant that they were being strengthened by boxing in their lives, that boxing was a release and could help them open up and stay stable. The boxing elements that were installed in the room helped tie together the exhibition and strengthen it. The hanging punching bag and the custom made ring immersed the viewer into the boxing atmosphere. The ring was impressive. I had no idea it was custom made until I read the description. I thought it was for little kids or something. I enjoyed the exhibition, a lot. It seemed simple but that fact actually led me to pick up on the fact that there was so much more there. In light of our confessions week, I have learned that a lot of times in art there are deeply personal choices made in art, and some of the best art is something that is very deeply personal to the artist.

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