Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Concerns/ Fears/ Expectations of 7A

I am really happy to be taking Art 7A this quarter. I am a transfer and this will be the last lower division class that I need, so I'm excited about that. My only concerns regarding the class are basically regarding myself. I am taking 18 units this quarter and I just hope I can handle it all well and give each class my best. It's a bit easier though because I am genuinely interested and like all these classes, which is why I couldn't force myself to drop anything. I know I can do it, I'm just wondering with how much sleep and social deprivation.

I am a little afraid of the critique aspect of the class. This will be my first class at UCSB where I expect work to be critiqued. I did critiques at CC, but it was a lot less competitive, so I never worried about critique. Here at UCSB there are so many talented and intelligent people with strong convictions about how they view and react to art that critique makes me a little anxious.

I want to get a great experience out of this class and learn to create art in a less traditional fashion. I have done many paintings and drawings but examining how art and life coincide and creating pieces based on that excites me. I am looking to push my own boundaries and ideas and expand my creativity. In lecture I was looking at the pieces shown and was thinking "I would never come up with anything like that!" I want to think creatively on a new platform that the artists shown in the art and life lectures are on. I would never think to perform social documented experiments like Nikki S. Lee as art but her work is so interesting and provocative. I would like to be able to think and create something original with each of my projects in this class that enable me to think of something awesome to do on my own in the art and life field.

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