Sunday, May 1, 2011

Comics Chapter 9. The End.

The last chapter of the comics book wrapped it all up. It stated that comics are sequential art and use all the elements that were discussed in the book to get their message across. It kind of paid tribute to comics as an art form comparable to film and other story telling methods. It was a good book. I liked the philosophy and history references in it. It really made me think about art in a more intellectual sense. I think it highlighted some personal reactions and processes that go on while viewing art that people don't even realize. I think so much of the way we view art and the conclusions that they make about it are on a subconscious level but by bringing the elements that form those views to light we as artists can manipulate them to our intentions while creating art. It is power that we have when we create art, we can form peoples views on our art and use our art to make them contemplate things in life that we want to be examined. It is kinda a sort of propaganda, but used in a good way. We can form people's minds to see things in a different light for a moment, or we can just show them something aesthetically appealing that shows off our skill. As artists the things discussed in this book can be very useful.

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